🔥 NEW STRATEGY for Coaches, Course, and Membership Creators… 🔥

How to get a TEAM of EXPERTS building your online business FOR YOU...

We'll help build & manage your:

  • Website

  • Sales Funnels

  • Online Courses

  • Memberships

  • Coaching Programs

  • Email Marketing

  • Content Marketing

  • Social Media

  • Project Management

  • Process Management

For less than the cost of one virtual assistant...

👇 Watch the 5-min case study to see how 👇

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  • You're not making progress fast enough. You’ve started taking action to build your online business, buying lots of courses and tools but not finishing and implementing.

  • You have pieces of the puzzle like lead magnets, partial email sequences, a website you’re not proud of, and a to-do list that stretches months or years into the future before you see "passive income"

  • You've been "list building" and putting all of your time into free content, social media posts, and a Facebook group but haven't built or launched your flagship program.
  • You're bouncing from tactic to tactic pitched by online business gurus (podcast! webinar! challenge! virtual summit!) looking for the "easy button" that brings success.

  • Maybe you've seen some initial success and generated a few tens of thousands of dollars in revenue but little or no profit.

  • You're bootstrapping and doing everything solo but would love to have the tools, systems, and team that you know the successful online business owners have.

If you've nodded your head yes to any of these, then keep reading, you're on the cusp of learning how to leap over all of these roadblocks...

Here's what's included in the Solo to Virtual CEO Program:

Access to the 12-month Solo to Virtual CEO program and solutions

This program is specifically designed to be a 12 month opportunity, as it will allow us to create your automated online business (or scale your existing business).

This allows time for transformational results by implementing the tools, systems, and team required for rapid growth and long term success.

The Expert Business Blueprint

Step-by-Step plans and guidance for building and scaling a 7-figure automated online business.

If you don't have an established online business already, this is the fastest way to build one.

  • How to turn your expertise into a suite of products ranging from $100 - $25k and launch them rapidly

  • Establish the tools, systems, and team you need for automated growth

  • How to have your team build the Funnels, Website, Social Channels, Content, and Traffic you need

The Expert Business Platform

We’ve integrated 5 best in class applications and services to provide a turn-key solution for course, membership, and coaching businesses.

You also get our Expert Business Snapshot, which has all of the key pages, funnels, email sequences, and marketing automation already setup...

Add your branding and specific content to make it your own saving you hundreds of hours of work!

  • Website / Blog / Podcast

  • Sales Funnels + Email Service Provider

  • Social Media Scheduling, Posting, Reporting

  • Project and Process Management

  • Dozens of other critical capabilities

The Expert Business Systems

We empower you and your team with turn-key systems, processes, and procedures.

These enable you to build a small virtual team right away and have them be highly productive from day one and 10x’s your progress.

  • The 9 essential expert business functions (ex. Marketing, Sales, Product Development) are all systemized and built into your platform.

  • Access to 250+ standard operating procedures and checklists for everything from setting up Google and Facebook pixels to building and optimizing high-ticket sales funnels.

  • This is done-for-you documentation that immediately empowers your team (as a Virtual CEO we DON’T want you doing these tasks, rather we want you delegating them!)

Your Expert Business Team

We show you how to define, find, and delegate the management of a fractional / virtual team.

Instead of trying to find a “unicorn” virtual assistant that knows everything (they don’t exist), we show you how to use part time experts managed by your virtual COO, enabled by the tools and systems we provide you.

  • Virtual Team Model

  • Virtual Team Roles & Responsibilities

  • Job Descriptions

  • Hiring and Management Process

  • Verified services and vendors

Weekly Group Coaching Calls

Every week our expert coaches host group coaching calls by topic (ex. Tech, Marketing, Operations) where all your specific questions will be answered.

  • Not sure how to best leverage one of the tools in our platform, ask on the Tech coaching call!

  • Questions about what's working now in high-ticket sales funnels, ask on the Marketing coaching call!

  • Operations coaching call! that immediately empowers your team (as a Virtual CEO we DON’T want you doing these tasks, rather we want you delegating them!)

Bi-Weekly CEO Strategy Call

Twice a month Dave hosts a CEO strategy call focusing on your big picture, direction setting questions.

In addition, Dave provides insights on what is working now across our clients and the industry.

  • Business Models

  • Marketing Strategies

  • Mindset / Productivity

  • Financials

Weekly Review and 1:1 Feedback

Weekly review sessions where you can submit something for 1:1 feedback and advice.

You can keep submitting the item for feedback until you have it perfected!

  • Need a review of your program outline and contents? Submit it for 1:1 feedback!

  • Want a review of the sales page for your program? Submit it for 1:1 feedback!

  • Not sure if your email copy is engaging enough? Submit it for 1:1 feedback!

Private CEO-Only Community

Ask questions and get feedback from your peers and coaches!

The group is for you to ask questions, post a poll, ask for feedback and get quick help when you need it.

Plus, you’ll meet amazing peers and different phases in their business growth!

  • Network with peers and coaches

  • Help others who are earlier stage

  • Learn from 6- and 7-figure virtual CEOs

Technical Support? YES!

SOOOOO many get bogged down and struggle with tech. That ends now!

When you use our tools and tech stack, we support you end to end.

Our self-service knowledge base will answer most of your questions right away and our ticket-based support covers the rest.

If there is a problem with a tool, we’ll take over and resolve it with the vendor, so you don’t have to waste that time!

  • Need a review of your program outline and contents? Submit it for 1:1 feedback!

  • Want a review of the sales page for your program? Submit it for 1:1 feedback!

  • Not sure if your email copy is engaging enough? Submit it for 1:1 feedback!

Copyright © 2024 Expert Business Agency | All Rights Reserved

Expert Business Agency is technology and marketing agency and training company. We do not sell a business opportunity, “get rich quick” program or money-making system. We believe, with training, education, and coaching, individuals can be better prepared to build their businesses, but we do not guarantee success in our training or services. We do not make earnings claims, efforts claims, or claims that our training or services will make you any money. All public and program material is intellectual property and protected by copyright. Any duplication, reproduction, or distribution is strictly prohibited.

Investing of any kind carries risk and it is possible to lose some or all of your money. The training provided is general in nature, and some strategies may not be appropriate for all individuals or all situations. We make no representation regarding the likelihood or probability that any actual or hypothetical investment or business/products you create will achieve a particular outcome or perform in any predictable manner.

Statements and depictions are the opinions, findings, or experiences of individuals who generally have purchased education and training. Results vary, are not typical, and rely on individual effort, time, and skill, as well as unknown conditions and other factors. We do not measure earnings or financial performance. Instead, we track completed transactions and satisfaction of services by voluntary surveys.

You should not, however, equate reported sales transactions with financially successful transactions. Further, many customers do not continue with the program, do not apply what they learn, or do attempt to apply what they learn but nonetheless have difficulty in making sales successful for them.

The Company may link to content or refer to content and/or services created by or provided by third parties that are not affiliated with the Company. The Company is not responsible for such content and does not endorse or approve it. The Company may provide services by or refer you to third-party businesses.

This site is not a part of the YouTube, Bing Google or Facebook website; Google Inc, Microsoft INC or Meta Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by YouTube, Google, Bing or Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc. YOUTUBE is a trademark of GOOGLE Inc. BING is a trademark of MICROSOFT Inc.